13: Dan Piraro, the vegan Bizarro / by Derek Goodwin

Dan Piraro and Pecan at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary. Photo by Derek Goodwin

Dan Piraro and Pecan at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary. Photo by Derek Goodwin

Our 13th show features an interview with Dan Piraro, vegan activist and creator of the nationally syndicated comic strip Bizarro. Dan has just published a new book called Bizarro and Other Strange Manifestations of the Art of Dan Piraro which he is currently doing a comedy book tour to publicize. Dan lives in NYC along with his wife Ashley Smith, who is an amazing activist who led Dan to veganism. We also have a short phone interview with vegan musician LeAnne Broas, who lives and works in NYC as well. We feature her song Coming of Age. Our news stories cover omega-3 enriched pigs, the good and bad news in the UK, barbeque meat and prostate cancer, arsenic in chicken, and a crazy Connecticut cat that is attacking avon ladies.