34: Inadmissible Comparisons: Animal Exploitation, Slavery & Genocide / by Derek Goodwin

Speakers from the Inadmissible Comparisons Conference: Roberta Kalechofsky & Karen Davis, Carol Adams, Andrea Smith, Charles Patterson & Patrice Jones, Ashanti Alston

Speakers from the Inadmissible Comparisons Conference: Roberta Kalechofsky & Karen Davis, Carol Adams, Andrea Smith, Charles Patterson & Patrice Jones, Ashanti Alston

On March 24th and 25th Megan and Derek attended the Inadmissible Comparisons Conference hosted by United Poultry Concerns in New York City. The conference was organized to examine comparisons that inevitably arise between atrocities such as slavery, genocide, violence against women, and the treatment of animals on factory farms and by vivisection labs. We feature audio clips from the lectures given by radical queer vegan feminist Patrice JonesJews for Animal Rights founder Roberta Kalechofsky, and "anarchist Panther" Ashanti Alston. We also have a short interview with our favorite vegan feminist theorist Carol Adams. Check out our links below for more information about the conference and the other speakers we couldn't fit on the show.

On this show Vegan Radio officially endorses the presidential candidacy of vegan U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Our featured musical artist is Snatum Kaur.

Books by Carol Adams