39: 101 Reasons to be Vegetarian / by Derek Goodwin

NYC Veggie Pride Parade: Dave Warwak, Karen Dawn, Pamela Rice, Martin Rowe, and other vegans carry the banner.

NYC Veggie Pride Parade: Dave Warwak, Karen Dawn, Pamela Rice, Martin Rowe, and other vegans carry the banner.

Our 39th show features an interview with Pamela Rice, author of the 101 Reasons Why I'm Vegetarian pamphlet and founder of Viva Vegie. Pamela tells us about her years of activism, why we should be proud to be vegans, and the Viva Vegie mascot Penelope Peapod. Our own Megan Shackelford tells us about her recent trip to France and being vegan in France.

In the News: Heather Mills goes vegan, a UK Government Email Leak Encouraging Veganism, and the USDA Discourages Mad Cow Testing.

Books by Pamela Rice