70: Ruthann Russo's Raw Food Diet Myth / by Derek Goodwin

Our 70th show is going to be Megan's last appearance for 6 months while she visits India, and we say our good-byes. We feature an interview with Ruthann Russo who is the author of The Raw Food Diet Myth. Ruthann and her daughter Emmalea went raw 2 years ago when Emmalea was diagnosed with epilepsy. Since then there have been no seizures and Ruthann has been on a journey of discovery with the raw food diet. In her book she explains all of the different branches of the raw foods movement as well as the philosophies and controversies. This show is very high energy and entertaining, with lots of laughs and lots more to think about. Enjoy!

Raw Food Links: David Wolfe, Hippocrates Health Institute, Tree of Life (Gabrielle Cousins)

In the News: Hindsdale Greyhound Track Closes, Jeremy Piven Mercury Overdose, Liz Hurley Wearing Mink